What We Do


Here at Heroes for Humanity our founders and employees come from all over Tier 1 units and Special Operations backgrounds.

Our instructor staff have decades of real world experience that they can tailor to the needs of any client.

Our staff provide (but are not limited to):

Our instructors are certified in multiple layers of credits consisting of the Special Forces Sniper Course instructors, various Special Operations courses, Department of Defense(DOD, Department of State (DOS), National rifle association (NRA) and many more.


Heroes for Humanity and Polaris have partnered to offer you personnel with some of the most extensive backgrounds when it comes to providing security. Our employees have provided security in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and various other countries around the world. We can provide personal security specialists in the most austere environments in this world. The level of professionalism, ethics, morals, and dedication to the mission is what sets us apart.

Areas we cover (but are not limited to):

We provide consulting to identify gaps, offers tips, and enhance the desired target areas.


We provide consulting to identify gaps, offers tips, and enhance the desired target areas.

Humanitarian Aid

One of our big missions here at Heroes for Humanity is humanitarian aid and assistance. Anywhere in the world that people need help, we will be there. We started Polaris during the fall of Kabul, Afghanistan. We were called to action to save those innocent lives left behind. Our efforts saved 77 Americans, children, and vetted Afghan interpreters who put themselves and their families at risk. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we were again called to serve and that is how Heroes for Humanity was founded. We are committed to using our skills and expertise to protect those in need anywhere in the world.

Stateside Disaster Relief

We know the devastation of natural disaster. After living in North Carolina for a few years, we have seen the destruction of hurricanes such as Florence. We are committed to helping those through such unimaginable times. We help with clean up and distribution of necessities, such as food water and hygiene kits.

Personnel recovery

As stated before our founders and employees have personally recovered and saved 77 people out of Afghanistan during and after the fall of Kabul. We will continue to go behind enemy lines and conduct personnel evacuations of the oppressed. Throughout the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we are focused on the evacuation of orphans out of the country.

Protecting Human Rights

Human trafficking is the worlds largest business and those cruel people have been known to prey on children in the desperate circumstances.


We will fight tooth and nail to prevent human trafficking.

Protect Against Children Trafficking

We are committed to the safety of the worlds most innocent and vulnerable group. We will ensure that NO CHILD GETS TRAFFICKED.

End state

We started Heroes for Humanity for one reason, to help those in need while maintaining and protecting their rights as human beings.

Heroes for Humanity is Pure. 100% of all donations and funds go DIRECTLY TO MISSION ESSENTIALS. Our mission is to inspire others to serve, volunteer, and do what you can to make the world a better place.

Latest News


We have been working and continue to work directly with multiple teams and organizations to help save dozens of children

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If you would like more information please email us at Heroes4humanity.pa@gmail.com


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