Veteran Special Operators Making a Difference In the World

Who We Are

Doing The Right Thing At The Right Time

Made up of veteran special operators, we strive to provide global and stateside humanitarian aid and assistance. Simply put, our goal is go do the right thing by helping people in need, wherever that may be.

Internationally, we operate as “Polaris”, and deploy our tier 1 operators and special operators with decades of real world experience to conduct humanitarian missions in extreme environments. 
Stateside, we operate as “Heroes For Humanity” and respond to natural disaster events.

Responding in real time, Heroes for Humanity tailors each mission to focus on the most pressing, highest need, situations. As a result, our volunteers and heroes are all mission dependent.

Currently we are setting up a forward operating base with a full command operations center and logistics base on the Ukrainian Poland border. We will be assisting in missions, providing triage support, conduction personnel evacuations for children, providing security, and administering humanitarian aid for orphans and children.

Since Heroes For Humanity is a non profit, we work purely on donations from charitable individuals and organizations; so media presence and social media influencing is a big deal! We need your help to spread the spirit of helping others and saving lives, please follow our social channels linked below and share the updates on our ongoing missions.

Humanitarian Aid




Stateside Disaster Relief

Personnel recovery

Protecting Human Rights

Protect Against Children Trafficking


Our Logo

The American eagle stylized phoenix is be the best representation of who we are at Heroes For Humanity. A phoenix is a bird who has risen from their ashes taking flight once more and stronger than before. This is the message we want to portray to the veterans who no longer feel a sense of purpose following their service. The mission at Heroes For Humanity provide humanity with the hero they need and our veterans a purpose and mission once more; being re-birthed from “their ashes” to take flight once again. The American flag within the bird represents our country and freeing the oppressed from tyranny and hardships.

How To Donate


2021 recap:

  • Successfully evacuated 77 Afghan refugees from conflict zones
  • Following our Afghan refugee mission, Polaris and Heroes for Humanity merged to combine forces
  • Collaborated with the U.S. Army sniper platoon in Bagdad Iraq to provide mission-critical sniper overwatch and refinement of the Iraq embassy base defense and sniper engagement plan
  • Officially converted into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to providing Heroes to wherever the world needs

Looking Ahead:

In 2022, we will focus on Humanitarian aid to Ukraine specifically the Orphans and children who were stranded in the war torn cities.

Heroes For Humanity current, future and past operations in Ukraine

Providing personnel evaluations for hundreds of orphans and children left from the war torn city’s and areas of Ukraine

Providing humanitarian aid and assistance for the children and families fleeing Ukraine

Provide donations and supplies for the refugee centers across Poland Ukraine border such as diapers, baby wipes, formula, food, water, hygiene products, etc.

Raised money in the form of donations for mission essential requirements

Providing logistical support, initial terminal guidance for current teams on the ground, deconflict and maneuver around the Russian controlled and contested areas of the war by providing but not limited to intelligence updates of immediate areas, routes to avoid, time updates on cleared routes, check points updates etc.

Work with Non Government Organizations (NGO’s) & other non profits in the establishment of the medical triage centers and continuously support the ongoing efforts of the medical evacuations & triage, supplies and equipment.

Latest News


We have been working and continue to work directly with multiple teams and organizations to help save dozens of children

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